Page 32 - Keeyask_ArchaeologyPhotoBook_WebVersion
P. 32

Caribou Island

                 ARCH AEO LO G IC AL SITE:
                HbKu-11 NORTH SHORE

                                                                                                    A R C H A EO LO G IC A L       SITE T YPE
                                                                                                    SU R VEY M E TH O D S          C am p site
                                                                                                    •	Pe d e strian 	(W alkin g )	Su rve y
                               H bKu-11                                                                                            A R TIFAC TS FO U N D
                                                                                                    •	Su rfac e 	C o lle c tio n 	  4 7  (1  fa u n a l)
                                                                                                    •	Sh o ve l	Te stin g 	–	5	STPs	(0	p o sitive )
                                                                                                                                   •	Lith ic 	flake s,	to o ls	A
                                                                                                         Gull Lake FFILIATIO N S
  Gull Lake                                                                                         C U LTU R A L A                •	Po tte ry	sh e rd s	B
 Nelson River                                                                                       W o o d la n d  (ca . 350-2,000 yea rs a g o )
                                                                                                    L a te  W o o d la n d
                                                                                                    (ca . 350-1,000 yea rs a g o )

 Nelson River

        The site is located on the north shore of the Nelson River approximately 18                    A

        kilometres (km) upstream of Gull Rapids and across the river from Rabbit
        Creek. The site consists of a highly eroded beach with medium to large cobbles.
        It was initially recorded in 2001 and characterized by an isolated Pre-European
        Contact lithic artifact. Subsequent visits revealed a Woodland affiliation. Site
        visits occurred in 2001, 2004, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019.

                                                                                                                                                   C M


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