Page 56 - Keeyask_ArchaeologyPhotoBook_WebVersion
P. 56

Caribou Island

                 ARCH AEO LO G IC AL SITE:
                HbKu-24 KEEYASK BURIAL

                                                                                                    A R C H A EO LO G IC A L       SITE T YPE
                                                                                                    SU R VEY M E TH O D S          Bu rial
                                                                                                    •	Pe d e strian 	(W alkin g )	Su rve y
                               H bKu-24                                                                                            A R TIFAC TS FO U N D
                                                                                                    •	Su rfac e 	C o lle c tio n
                                                                                                    C U LTU R A L A FFILIATIO N S  •	Po tte ry	sh e rd s
                                                                                                    A rc h a ic
 Gull Lake  Gull Lake                                                                               (ca . 2,000-6,500 yea rs a g o )
 Nelson River                                                                                       W o o d la n d
                                                                                                    (ca . 250-2,000 yea rs a g o )
                                                                                                    L a te  W o o d la n d
                                                                                                    (ca . 350-1,000 yea rs a g o )
 Nelson River

        The site is located on the east side of Gull Lake approximately 600

        m south of Bryant’s Point in a bay identified locally as John Garson
        Bay. The site was initially recorded in 2010 as a burial location due to
        the discovery of human skeletal remains along the shoreline. Per the
        request of TCN, radiocarbon dating was conducted and revealed that
        the Ancestor lived 4,300± 40 years BP or during the Archaic Period. The
        remains were re-interred in the Keeyask Cemetery in 2015. Additional
        remains of the Gull Lake Ancestor were recovered in 2018. Site visits
        occurred in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019.

        48                                                                                Photo: Photo of the Keeyask Cemetery (North Access Road) taken in 2015 (aspect north).
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