Page 108 - Keeyask_ArchaeologyPhotoBook_WebVersion
P. 108

                HcKt-09 SANDSTONE FLAKES

 Caribou Island
                                                                                                    A R C H A EO LO G IC A L       SITE T YPE
                                                                                                    SU R VEY M E TH O D S          Lith ic 	w o rksh o p
                                                                                                    •	Pe d e strian 	(W alkin g )	Su rve y
                               H cKt-09                                                                                            A R TIFAC TS FO U N D
                                                                                                    •	Su rfac e 	C o lle c tio n
                                                                                                                                   1 6 6
                                                                                                    C U LTU R A L A FFILIATIO N S  •	Lith ic 	flake s,	to o ls	A
                                                                                                    P re -E u ro p e a n  C o n ta c t    •	Bifac e 	B
                                                                                                    (ca . 400-12,000 yea rs a g o )

 Gull Lake  Gull Lake
 Nelson River                                                                                              A

 Nelson River
        The site is located on a peninsula along the south shore of Gull Lake, southwest
        of a large island. Artifacts at the site were found in a deposit of clay on the
        shoreline that had eroded out of the terrace. Black spruce and birch originally
        dotted the terrace of the site but has since been cleared out by forest fire and
        clearing. Site visits occurred in 2004 and 2012.

                                                                                                                                                   C M

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