Page 14 - Keeyask_ArchaeologyPhotoBook_WebVersion
P. 14

Caribou Island
                 ARCH AEO LO G IC AL SITE:
                HbKu-02 BEACHONEA

                                                                                                    A R C H A EO LO G IC A L       SITE T YPE
                                                                                                    SU R VEY M E TH O D S          C am p site
                                                                                                    •	Pe d e strian 	(W alkin g )	Su rve y
                               H bKu-02                                                                                            A R TIFAC TS FO U N D
                                                                                                    •	Su rfac e 	C o lle c tio n 	  6 6  (2  fa u n a l)
                                                                                                    •	Sh o ve l	Te stin g 	–	39	STPs		  •	Lith ic 	flake s,	to o ls	A
                                                                                                     (9	p o sitive )
                                                                                                                                   •	C artrid g e 	c asin g s
 Gull Lake                                                   Gull Lake                              C U LTU R A L A FFILIATIO N S  •	Be ad s
 Nelson River                                                                                       A rc h a ic                    •	Bird 	an d 	m am m al	b o n e s
                                                                                                    (ca . 2,000-6,500 yea rs a g o )
                                                                                                    W o o d la n d  (ca . 350-2,000 yea rs a g o )
                                                                                                    R e c e n t to  P re se n t H isto ric
 Nelson River                                                                                       (1930-presen t)

        HbKu-02 was recorded in 2001 during the initial heritage studies. At that time,

        the site was noted to be on a flat terrace that rose steeply about 10 m above the
        water. The area was cleared with several cabins. A log teepee partially covered               A
        in moss was located at the site. The door of the teepee faced east-southeast. A
        single circle of stones was in the center of the teepee. The archaeologists were
        told that Late Allison Kitchekeesik built the teepee to show the youth how the
        people once lived. Subsequent surveys resulted in the recovery of artifacts from
        Pre-European Contact and Historic periods. In 2013, a forest fire destroyed the                                               C M
        teepee and cabins. Site visits occurred in 2001, 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
        2017, and 2019.

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