Page 92 - Keeyask_ArchaeologyPhotoBook_WebVersion
P. 92

Gull Lake                                                                                              Gull Lake                    Caribou Island
                                                                    Nelson River
                 ARCH AEO LO G IC AL SITE:

                                                                                                                                                     Nelson River

                                                                                                    A R C H A EO LO G IC A L       SITE T YPE
                                                                                                    SU R VEY M E TH O D S          C am p site
                                                                                                    •	Pe d e strian 	(W alkin g )	Su rve y
                               H bKw-06                                                                                            A R TIFAC TS FO U N D
                                                                                                    •	Su rfac e 	C o lle c tio n 	  3
                                                                                                    •	Sh o ve l	Te stin g 	–	3	STPs	(0	p o sitive )
                                                                                                                                   •	Lau re l	rim 	sh e rd 	A
                                                                                                    C U LTU R A L A FFILIATIO N S  •	En d 	sc rap e r
                                                                                                    M id d le  W o o d la n d      •	Lith ic 	flake
                                                                                                    (ca . 1,000-2,000 yea rs a g o )

        The site is located along a 2-metre-high eroded clay and cobble shoreline along

        a stretch of the south shore of the Nelson River. It is 1.1 km downstream from
        Birthday Rapids. The back shore is filled with willows and is slumping. Artifacts                                   A
        were recovered from a small hollow within the eroded bank and consisted of a
        single Laurel ceramic rim, an end scraper, and a flake. The shoreline is actively
        eroding due to ice jamming and water in the area. A site visit occurred in 2015.

                                                                                                                                                   C M

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