- 22 DNCs for the Keeyask Infrastucture and Generation Projects
- Valued at over $730 million awarded
- Over $860 million spent to date through direct purchases
- Over $33 million spent in KCN communities from other contractors
- Types of Direct-negotiated contracts (DNCs):
- Camp maintenance services contract
- Camp sewer and water contract
- Catering and janitorial services contract
- Ellis esker winter trail contract
- Employee retention and support services contract
- Emergency medical services contract
- PR280 crushing and stockpiling
- Looking Back Creek bridge contract
- Miscellaneous site construction services contract
- North Access Road contract
- Reservoir clearing contract
- Reservoir spawning shoals contract
- Security services contract
- South Access Road contract
- Southside containment dykes contract
- Start-up camp and work areas site preparation contract
- Upstream and downstream boat launches contract
- Work areas site development contract
- Additionally, 4 DNCs for the Keeyask Transmission Project
- Valued at over $88 million awarded
- Types of Direct-negotiated contracts (DNCs):
- Construction power line and clearing of generation outlet transmission contract
- Keeyask construction power station contract
- Keeyask to Radisson 138kV transmission line 1 contract
- Keeyask to Radisson 138kV transmission line 2 & 3 contract
(as of October 2020)